South Sound Forage Fish Monitoring Walk & Talk with Terence Lee and Great Peninsula Conservancy
Saturday, March 11th from 11am to 1pm
Where: GPC’s Johnson South Sound Refuge in Longbranch, Washington. Driving directions will be provided via email to event attendees. Please RSVP!
What: We’ve all heard the old adage about teaching a man to fish… but have you heard the one about teaching him to monitor forage fish? Join us on Saturday, March 11th from 11am-1pm for a Walk and Talk event featuring the community science endeavors of Terence Lee, Science Director at Nisqually Reach Nature Center. Together, we’ll explore the shoreline of GPC’s Johnson South Sound Refuge and learn about how forage fish monitoring can add to our knowledge of the ocean ecosystem and its health. Each year, Terence and a team of gung-ho volunteers head out to explore the extent and timing of surf smelt and sand lance spawning all along South Sound shorelines, including some of GPC’s preserves! Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to hear from one of our regional experts and get your hands in the water using the tools of the trade.
Suite 300
Walk & Talk: South Sound Forage Fish Monitoring
Saturday, March 11, 2023
Johnson South Sound Wildlife Refuge
Suite 300
Walk & Talk: South Sound Forage Fish Monitoring
Saturday, March 11, 2023
Johnson South Sound Wildlife Refuge
Suite 300
Walk & Talk: South Sound Forage Fish Monitoring
Saturday, March 11, 2023
Johnson South Sound Wildlife Refuge
You're all set. We'll email you with directions to the Key Peninsula site by February 24th. Please double check your spam folder if you don't see the email.
Suite 300